The Top 3 Ways Data Architecture will be Influenced in 2024

How Will Data Transform in 2024; A Deep Dive into 3 Major Predictions

Hanzala Qureshi
4 min readDec 9, 2023
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

2023 has been a whirlwind of a year, starting with a 2022 GenAI hangover, which blew up into more apps, features & updates than I care to remember and ended with one of the most significant corporate dramas we've seen in recent times.

There have been major shifts in the AI regulatory landscape; European Union member states may have adopted the EU AI Act by the time this article is published. The demand for data centres has surged across Europe and North America, showing no signs of stopping.

Companies are investing heavily in AI, whilst predominantly Western economies have slowed down due to interest rate hikes and stubbornly high inflation. Combining all these factors, it feels like the over-stretched piece of a rubber band that can snap back at us now.

Keeping the Data & AI demand against the constraints of the broader economy in mind, here are three key predictions that will influence the Data industry in 2024.

1. Ownership De-Centralised — Tooling Centralised

Centralised IT ownership has failed as autocratic, full of red tape, increasing time to market and limiting…



Hanzala Qureshi

Data Architecture Consultant | Data Evangelist | Learn more about all things data by following me @